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GEOCON assures the investment you’ve made in design and specifications is realized through our qualified and certified construction inspection professionals. We are committed to your projects to assure your interests are best served throughout all of the construction inspection phases. We are your ‘eyes and ears’ on the job.

Our experienced inspectors can anticipate potential problems BEFORE things get out of hand, BEFORE mistakes and errors incur schedule delays, cost overruns, change orders and rework.


​Our field inspectors and professionals average more than 10 years of individual experience inspecting construction projects. Our team is IDOT and INDOT Certified for inspection and testing of Hot-Mix-Asphalt (HMA), Concrete, Aggregates and Soils.

Partial Listing of our Construction Services Areas of Expertise:
Foundations, Slabs and Pavements
Soils, Aggregates and Subgrades
Compaction, Proofroll and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) Testing
Concrete, Grout and Mortar
Reinforcing Steel and Structural Steel
Floor Flatness/Levelness, Moisture Emissions, Relative Humidity of Concrete
Fireproofing Inspection and Testing
Thermographic Infrared Camera Inspection *see below*


GEOCON is the ONLY construction testing and inspection consultant in Northern Illinois and Northwestern Indiana that currently provides this service. Find out what is lurking just out of sight!

Thermographic infrared technology breaks past the visual barrier by peering into the hidden world of energy within the infrared spectrum of radiation.

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